PARENTS: Students that have not returned Handbook Contracts (The information sheet at the beginning of the Handbook) by October 26th will not be able to dress down for Halloween on Monday October 31. Questions can be directed to Coach Clark. Thanks.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Bonfire tonight! 6pm to 8pm in the Tailgate area behind Student Parking.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Images from The 1st Cross Country Meet of the Year. Congratulations to Ariel Garley on a Top 5 Finish!
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Top Ten Finisher
Coach em Up
Middle of The Pack
Nate The Great
Attention Student and Parents: No School bottoms required tomorrow as long as you are dressing with the HOCO THEME and clothes fit appropriately. Wednesday – Where Dreams Come True (anything Disney)
over 2 years ago, Delhi Charter School
Our jacket sale has been reopened. This is Store #3. Orders from Store #1 will be shipped out to you soon. Store #2 orders are being processed. Don't miss Store #3. The longer you wait to order, the longer you will have to wait on arrival Don't wait to order your Outerwear!
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Fields of Faith!
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Fields of Faith
Attention Parents, We will be dismissing Tallulah buses early today due to Madison's Homecoming Parade. This also means that we will move our Cheer Chicks Pep Rally Time up. The K5 Pep Rally will be 1:15 to 1:45 and the 6-12 Pep Rally will be from 2:00 to 2:30. Please park in the Student Parking Lot
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Discipline Reminder: On days that students are suspended (whether In School Suspension or Out of School Suspension), students may not attend or participate in any after school or extracurricular activities on that day. No practices, no games, no Pep Rallies, no Robotics, no BETA., etc. Any Questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to Coach Clark at 318-878-0433 ext 1113
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Discipline Reminders: Phones are to be powered off at all times during the school day, even while students are on the school bus. Failure to comply will result in consequences detailed in the Student Handbook. Electronic Smoking Devices (Vapes) are not allowed on The DCS Campus. Use or possession of such a device will result in Suspension. Any questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to Coach Clark at 318-878-0433 ext. 1113
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Dress Code Reminders: Leggings and Jeggings are not to be worn as part of the school uniform. All school bottoms must be of the appropriate fit and length. Hoods are not to be worn inside any buildings. Minor discipline referrals will be given to students not compliant with DCS Dress Code Standards. Any questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to Coach Clark. 318-878-0433 ext 1113
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Former Gators in the Spotlight! Ashari Jones, a freshman member of the McNeese University Track and Field team, celebrates her contribution to the team's Conference Championship in both Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field. Ashari placed 5th in the indoor conference championship and 6th at the outdoor conference championship! Congrats to Ashari and the McNeese Women's Track and Field Team: 2022 Southland Conference Champs!
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
ashari 2
ashari 3
ashari 3
Gator Reminders: Parents please remember to send excuses for student absences. Excuses need to be turned in within 2 days of a student's return to school. After that timeframe they will not be accepted. Students have 3 school days after excuses are turned in to complete and turn in missed assignments and make up work.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Thursday, September 22 will be our Positive Behavior Dress Down Day. Students have been informed by teachers who qualifies and who does not. Please follow dress down rules.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
st fred flyer
Great News Gator Fans! We have partnered with The NFHS Network to bring you live streaming services for DCS Football and Basketball Home games! With a subscription to the NFHS Network, you can access all varsity, junior varsity, and junior high home football games. Girls and Boys basketball games will also be streamed once the season begins. You can subscribe by paying monthly or annually. Click the link below to sign up.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Your 2 - 0 Gators travel to River Oaks to take on the Mustangs Friday night. 7pm
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Student tickets for the varsity football home game will be sold Friday morning in the Admin Building. Student tickets are $5 and will only be sold one per student. Students that don't need a ticket to enter the game will not be allowed to purchase a ticket.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
Parents, This is a reminder that students need to have embroidery done on all school polos and outerwear by September 15. Any student wearing a blank polo or outerwear (hoodie, sweatshirt, or jacket) after this time will receive discipline referrals. A list of approved vendors are listed on the school webpage as well as the Facebook page.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark
The Jr High Football Game that was originally scheduled for today vs D'Arbonne Woods will be played Thursday September 8 at 5:30 pm.
over 2 years ago, Chad Clark